
 "Caversham Nursery is a warm, welcoming, busy and dynamic environment where the staff really know their children and strive to meet their needs, particularly those children with special educational needs. Often, staff are already implementing strategies before I suggest them which demonstrates a proactive approach, engaged in identifying a child’s needs and meeting them there. I am always reassured when a child is under the wings of Caversham Nursery, knowing that their development will be well nurtured and supported."

Mrs. Veryan Evans MA MRCSLT reg HCPC, Speech and Language Therapist

"So great to see how you have carefully selected what is available in terms of provision to support the interest, concepts, vocabulary and skills you want children to be thinking about. You do this to prevent cognitive overload and keep children thinking the stuff you have taught. As a result children remain engaged in activities for sustained periods, know how to confidently use the environment and know how to tidy the environment. The environment supports emotional regulation and executive function and this is by design!"

Alice Boon, Senior School Standards Advisor, Brighter Futures for Children